#cebiteda16 Interview: nachgefragt bei Dion Hinchcliffe


keynote_dionEin Muss im Kalender wird der 17.03.2016, denn um 14:10 Uhr wird Dion Hinchcliffe seine Keynote zum Thema "Future of Digital & Social Enterprise" halten. Auch Dion haben wir um einen Ausblick auf seinen Beitrag gebeten, und als ersten Input gibt er uns eine Fülle Hashtags mit auf den Weg:

If I could choose any hashtags, I'd most likely use #digitaltransformation, #socbiz, #cio, #cdo, #FutureOfWork, #collaboration, #WorkHacking, #GrowthHacking, #ExponentialEra

Your keynote is about the digital and the social enterprise. What is the difference between digital enterprise and social enterprise? Will there be a difference in the future?

The digital enterprise has to do with building a business on a truly digital foundation, including how it engages with the marketplace, how it enables and empowers its workforce, and how it structures its business models. The social enterprise overlaps a lot of this, but also includes a more complete view of the people dimension, as it describes the operational and management theories behind using digital engagement to operate the modern organization. Thus, it's important in my mind to keep them distinct, since they overlap quite a bit but are also slightly disjoint in what they focus on.

You wrote on Twitter "Waiting = losing now“ - who will be the loser, if we wait?

Our organizations, our employees, our customers, and our business partners all stand to lose if we don't keep pace with current operating conditions and offer them the value that is now possible through digital engagement. Today, that means a digital-first stance in much of what we do.

In your bio on Twitter you describe yourself as „futurist on #socbiz #digital“ - please give us a brief impression what you as futurist will give the audience of the Enterprise Digital Arena.

dion_headshot_red_backgroundDigital change has barely begun, and we have many decades to go. Yet it's clear that we are already undergoing a much bigger transformation than the Industrial Age or even the Information Age. The Digital Age is leading us towards unprecedented opportunities -- such as the collaborative economy becoming a quarter of the global economy by 2020 and everyone having access to virtually all knowledge for virtually free -- as well as incredible challenges we must overcome as the gap widens between the digerati and everyone else. In my keynote talk at CeBIT, I will explore both the recent changes as well as the cutting-edge developments that are going to truly remake most industries in just a few short years, from every non-trivial physical object being connected to us socially to mass collaboration remaking almost all our business processes.

 Thank you very much, Dion, and I think we are all looking forward to your keynote.

Wer sich bereits vor im Vorfeld mit Dion Hinchcliffes Gedanken auseinandersetzen möchte, sei auf diesen Blogbeitrag verwiesen: "What’s Coming Next in Digital and Social in the Enterprise?".


Themen der IOM Plattform

Hybrid & Remote Work Transformation
Digital Work & Employee Experience
Digital Work Skillset & Mindset
Adoption & Enablement
Future Management & Leadership
Digital Workplace Technologien

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